Innovative Social Pedagogy
The Innovative Social Pedagogy* to Empower Indigenous Communities, Reduce Gender, and Racial Biases project is funded by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). This project takes place over 3 locations, Montreal, Chicoutimi, and Edmonton and over the span of 3 years. Someone (Concordia University, Montreal), the University of Alberta and The Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, along with community partners co-created, adapted and evaluated workshops, documentaries and multimedia, online courses, and policy briefs.

*Social pedagogy refers to the inclusive and reflexive co-creation of interventions and strategies to better magnify the voices of marginalized communities that have been undermined due to systemic discrimination that accompany hierarchies of knowledge and power.
Our work is aligned with UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) concerning quality education, equality, gender, partnerships and establishment of strong institutions that promote peace and justice.
SDG 4 (quality education): eliminate all discrimination in education;
SDG 5 (gender equality): end discrimination against women and girls; ensure full participation in leadership and decision-making;
SDG 10 (reduced inequality): ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination;
SDG 16 (peace, justice & strong institutions): reduce violence everywhere; promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies; and
SDG 17 (partnerships): target encourage effective partnerships.

Policy Briefs
Our policy briefs on resilience, discrimination and related issues were developed by analysing online discussions pertinent to the impact of systemic discrimination on Indigenous and marginalized populations. Sources included discourse in public online forums, social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and news story comments.
Click here to read about the policy brief on violence against women in Quebec (2022).

Over the course of the 3 years, we co-created interactive workshops which were sustainably led by local marginalized communities in Edmonton, Chicoutimi and Montreal, as well as online.
You can read more about some of these workshops in the news stories below.

Finally, we created documentaries focusing on socio-pedagogical and communal practices that build resilience to discrimination. These videos document the various activities being led by each of the area groups. Audio and audio-video materials were also co-created by participants during workshop activities. Two short films are shown below.
For more information on our team’s video expertise, see the Someone Vimeo channel.
The first Innovative Social Pedagogy podcast featuring Veronica Mockler is now available
December 18, 2023
Concordia artist collaborates with Black youth at Dazibao gallery
Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance member Veronica Mockler is working with 7 young women on a participatory art series
June 14, 2023
November 22, 2022
Project SOMEONE Initiative Publishes Policy Brief on Violence Against Women in Québec
September 19, 2022
Concordia art education grad students bring the slow movement to the university
The Bureau of Noncompetitive Research casts a critical eye on research culture and the current pressures of scholarly life
March 17, 2022
Concordia-led initiative empowers Indigenous and racialized communities
Members of Project SOMEONE are working with partners in Quebec and Alberta to build resilience against discrimination
January 20, 2022
Vivek Venkatesh Discusses Social Pedagogy on Le Réverbère Podcast
December 4, 2020
Developed by
Vivek Venkatesh, Élisabeth Kaine, Paul Gareau, Mathieu Cook, Nykkie Lugosi-Schimpf, Veronica Mockler, José Cortés, Safia Boufalaas, Kathryn Urbaniak, Lucy Lu, Diane Querrien, Josie-Ann Bonneau, Shawn Tse, Dalia Elsayed, Stacey Cann, Victoria Stanton, Emanuelle Dufour, Catherine Montmagny-Grenier, Jason Wallin, Wynnpaul Varela, Leslie Touré Kapo, Rawda Harb
Funded by
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)