Instructional materials
SOMEONE researchers and collaborator have co-created a variety of curricular resources to help teachers, educators, social workers and community leaders tackle problems associated with hate speech, racism, profiling and violent extremism. Follow the links below to read, view and hear more about these projects and to download related documents, worksheets and arts-based pedagogies.
​Lesson plans and toolkits
Explore your echo (lesson plans)
Landscape of Hope Evaluation guidebook (tools for arts-based and resilience-based initiatives)
Digital Citizens of Tomorrow (Workbook for school teachers)
Digital Citizens of Tomorrow (Workbook for school teachers in Arabic)
Digital Empowerment (Workbook for social workers in Arabic)
Online Media and the Critical Thinker (Workbook for media activists in Arabic)
Web 2.0 – a Platform for Peace (Workbook for university instructors)

Instructional videos
Are you looking to incorporate a video into your curriculum or pedagogical approach to sensitize your learners to hate speech, racism, radicalisation, profiling or violent extremism? Look no further than these thoroughly researched and high-quality interviews, performances and documentaries which you can easily embed or link to in your own classroom syllabi.
What is hate speech? 2-minute video
Can hate speech be justified? 3-minute video
​Navigating Hate: A Primer for Educators 4 part video series for pre-service teachers
Community-based interviews and documentaries
Conversations with Metal Music Scene Members 10 videos of varying lengths
Interviews on radicalization from the "From Hate to Hope" MOOC
Definitions of Hate 5-minute video
Challenges specific to online hate 6-minute video
Factors that lead to radicalization 5-minute video
Radicalization – push and pull factors 5-minute video
Techniques used by hate groups 5-minute video from
Dialogue, resilience and online hate 6-minute video
Perspectives on prevention and resilience 6-minute video
Fake news 2-minute video from “Hate to Hope” MOOC
Interview with Bassel, journalist and activist. 3-minute video
Interview with Maxime, former extremist. 18-minute video
Interview with Mubin, former extremist. 13-minute video
Interview with Brad, former extremist. 23-minute video
Interview with Abood, former refugee. 19-minute video
Poetry performance of “The Wrath of Religion” from the Literary Peace project, 2-minute video
Poetry performance of “Naming” from the Learning to hate: an anti-hate comic project, 3-minute video

Online courses & webinars
Our researchers and creators have developed online courses, led webinars and developed instructional modules with international partners. You can check these out by following the links below:
​Online Courses
From Hate to Hope: Building Understanding and Resilience (Massive Open Online Course)
Addressing Online Hate online module as part of cybersec 101
Hatred in an Era of Misinformation: Lessons from Former Extremists webinar as part of media literacy week 2018
​PROFILE: A toolkit against racism and bias webinar for Concordia University "CU at Home"

Presentations, lectures & workshops
If you are looking for a recording of lectures and methodology workshops delivered by some of our researchers, you need look no further than here.
Life After Hate – The Walrus Talks Living Better Series 7 minute video
Corpus-assisted (critical) discourse analysis (CACDA) methodology workshop and hands-on session from Prejudice du jour project, 2 x 30-minute videos
Critical analysis of IS social media videos presentation, 26-minute video
Communal and Individual Politics in the Extreme Metal Artform lecture at Concordia University 42-minute video
Theatrics of hate presentation at CICC (Centre International de Criminologie Compare), 30-minute video
Sexual Violence and Misogyny in Lyrical and Literary Frameworks panel and improvisational reading, 60- and 20-minute videos
Spectacles of Hate Speech presentation and Q&A, 60- and 40-minute videos

​We’ve created a unique series of podcasts with partners in human rights organisations as well as our collaborators in cultural scenes. You can check these out by following the links below:
What’s that noise. Volume 12: Right-Wing Extremism 60 minutes
Speaking Rights podcast – Motivate. In partnership with Equitas. 12 minutes
Deciphering Norms of Media Consumption in Extreme Metal – a podcast series
Propositions for Cultural Reappropriation 35 minutes
Balancing Free Speech, Critical Thinking and Media Literacy 29 minutes
Social Media: The Good, the Bad and the Unforgivable 34 minutes
Women in Metal: Underdogs or Equals? 29 minutes